Thursday, March 29, 2012


Because I can't really think of blog post to pair with the questions below I decided to share....


AND Yes!  it's slightly GDS related if you think about it... the artist who created the video had to decide if  the dark blue background went with the rainbow and the bright pink poptart. Okay that sounded a lot more intelligent in my head.....

..... yeah....

AND PS: Who doesn't love Nyan cat? It's a poptart kitty with rainbows! and happy music! Haha wow this is officially the weirdest blogpost yet. Better love it while it lasts.

For those of you who are bored.... READ ABOUT THIS! It's exciting I swear!

Read "Launching the Imagination" (Critical Thinking: pages 140–155). Then start a new post in this forum with your name in the title and discuss the following questions:
  1. How might professional graphic designers establish project criteria differently than students?
  2. Discuss how subject matter, topic, content and meaning are inter-related.
  3. What is the purpose of a critique?
  4. What's the best way to prepare for a critique? How can you contribute to a positive critique session?
  5. Compare and contrast subjective and objective criticism.
  6. Describe a self-assignment that you might want to do between semesters.
  7. Update your blog for the week and post a link to your blog (target=new window); review your team member's blogs (optional: post comments on their blogs)

My answers :) If You feel like reading them

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Giving a shout out to turquoise and green :)

Bob Ross Would Be SO SOOO PROUD!

Read "Launching the Imagination" (Color: pages 55-63). Then start a new post in this forum with your name in the title and discuss the following questions:
  1. How can color help increase the illusion of depth?
  2. How can designers utilize color for emphasis?
  3. Why do human beings respond emotionally to color?
  4. What are your favorite colors and what emotions do you associate with them?
  5. Why is symbolic color always culturally specific?
  6. Update your blog for the week and post a link to your blog (target=new window); review your team member's blogs (optional: post comments on their blogs)
Reply and comment on at least 6 posts (starting with your team members' posts). Grade your team member's posts by assigning stars to their posts.


1.) Hues and shades of a certain color can increase the illusion of depth. It's all about color and how it can be used to make the illusion of depth very much alive.

2.) Designers can use color for emphasis by using major contrast with other colors, isolation, or incorporating the color with shapes.

3.) Colors honestly just trigger emotions. We as humans, look at something and automatically have a reaction and have a certain feeling. When we see bright colors, we are automatically happy and hopeful. With darker colors, (depending on the shade and the actual color itself) we may feel sadness, anger, or even a sense of being calm. Darker colors tend to bring negative feelings... brighter colors tend to bring positive feelings. It's just how opperate. Colors represent a lot of things to us.

4.) My favorite colors are green and turqouise. Green makes me think of vibrance and life. Turquoise soothes me, it makes me feel calm. Turquoise is such a pretty color.

5.) In different cultures, colors can mean many things. It could be because of great ancestral stories passed down from one generation to the other or even it could have a religious purpose to it. For instance in India, green means fertility and faith. Around the United States, some view green as an evil color or even a color to mean jealousy. For some in the US it could even mean vibrance and growth. It all depends on the culture and what they associate with what color. You'd be surprised to find many different meanings from different cultures. Purple, in some Asian cultures, means death. Here in the US purple is not really associated with death, it's more of a fun color.

Sunday, March 11, 2012



Read "Launching the Imagination" (Color: pages 38-54). Then start a new post in this forum with your name in the title and discuss the following questions:
  1. How do scientists approach color differently than artists?
  2. What kind of artists use additive color? What about subtractive color?
  3. Based on the commonly used 12 step color wheel, what are the primary colors? The secondary colors?
  4. What are the cool colors? And the warm colors? Which tend to recede and which advance?
  5. What are the three basic characteristics of color?
  6. Explain the difference between HUE vs. SATURATION.
  7. What is the purpose of "color schemes"?                                                                                                 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   
    1.) Scientists are more sciency... I know that's not a word but I'll explain myself. Scientist approach color with the question of: how did that color come to be? What colors did someone use to make the color the way it is? Artists approach color with more of an abstract mind... they think of moods the colors remind them of. For instance: Red could be anger or frustration. Green could be vibrant and full of life. Blue could be sadness and confusion.

    2.) Modern artists-- mostly painters and printers use subtractive color. Psychologists and scientists use additive color.

    3.) The primary colors include: Red, Yellow, Blue. The secondary colors would be: Green, Orange, Purple.

    4.)Cool colors include: Blue, Some shades of green, purple. Warm colors include: Yellow, Orange, Red. Warm colors tend to advance because they are louder and are more chaotic. The cool colors, on the other hand, tend to recede only because they are quieter and chiller colors. But this all depends on how the composition is used.

    5.) The three basic characteristics of color would be: Hue, Value, Intensity.

    6.) Hue refers to the shade of the color and is determined by it's wavelength, Saturation focuses on how vivid or how intense a color is.

    7.) The purpose of "color schemes" is so the artist can make clear decisions on what colors to stick to in his/her project. Without the usage of a color scheme, the piece could be chaotic and hard to follow if there are a million different colors.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Example of Commercial Art

Example of Fine Art


Read "Launching the Imagination" (Problem Seeking Problem Solving: pages 112-125).

  1. Why is understanding design principles alone not enough to become an artist?
  2. How is the process different for fine and commercial artists?
  3. Compare convergent and divergent thinking: What is similar? What is different? How do designers usually think and why?
  4. Where do ideas come from?
  5. What are some techniques for generating lots of ideas?
  6. How can you become a better artist?