Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Yay for Learning :)

Review your Process Book and all the assignments (projects, exercises, homework, etc) you did this semester. Reply to this post to discuss the following:
  1. What you have learned doing your assignments?
  2. Which assignment(s) were most useful?
  3. Which assignment(s) were the least useful?
  4. What assignment was your favorite? Why?
  5. What assignment was your least favorite? Why?
  6. Prepare your Process Book and blog for final review and grading.

1.) I have learned a lot, but the thing that hit home the most for me was being an independent student and learning to do things ON MY OWN.
2.) The exercises (each one we did in class), I found very useful. I like learning the usage of color and shapes and how both those elements play a big role in the graphic design world.
3.) The map assignment was the most frustrating out of all of them. I had a hard time organizing my layers and making them work. It all got a bit confusing. It wasn't very useful to me.
4.) My favorite was the blog assignments. I really enjoy blogging-- I loved every aspect of it: designing it, keeping it up, picking out fonts, etc.
5.) See number 3
6.) I will :)

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