Thursday, February 2, 2012

Introduction and UNITY

Read "Launching the Imagination" (Introduction: pages xvi-xxiii; Unity: pages 66-74). Then start a new post in this forum with your name in the title and discuss the following questions:
  1. How can mistakes help you learn?
  2. Why is "design" so important to visual communication?
  3. What is the best way to get creative compositions and ideas?
  4. In your own words, define the word "design"?
  5. Why is composition important in graphic design?
  6. What happens when a design is too unified?
  7. What happens when a composition lacks unity?
  8. How many different ways are there to create unity?
  9. How can one make compositions that are more memorable?
  10. What does Gestalt psychology have to do with all of this?
  11. Update your blog for the week and post a link to your blog (target=new window); review your team member's blogs (optional: post comments on their blogs)


1.) Mistakes can help you learn so you may never repeat them again. This is a solid rule for pretty much everything. Making the mistakes we make can help us  become better individuals because we learn the right way of getting our tasks complete.

2.) "Design" has always been an important part of communication. As humans, what we see and what we are instantly attracted to can determine wether or not the design is successful. Color. Shapes. Bold Lines. Limited wording. Helps us view what we need to know in a timely fashion. People, especially nowadays, prefer efficiency. We aren't going to stop and read a sign that's 3 paragraphs long. Yawn. Who has time for that? The better the "design", the more successful it will be for the critical eye.

3.) In the book, they list many ways. Writing your thoughts down or even sketching out your ideas can help you clearly see what you are doing. Getting further ideas could be getting it off the streets through the hustle and bustle of everyday, viewing other people's work (and simply get inspired).

4.) Design is the use of color, bold lines, and wording to create a space in which a person is atractted to it enough to take the time to look at it.

5.) Composition is important because it's all about the balancing of objects on a page or in a display or what have you. Composition is all about the way it will look to people. Composition is very important because without it, no one would have a sense of what goes together.

6.) When it's too unified, it becomes boring to the eye. There's no outlet for a creative surprise because the eye has already figured out what's next-- there are no surprises.

7.) When compositions lack unity completely, then it's just a big mess. It's confusing and almost chaotic to the eye. The point of the design would be too hard to figure out. Because without unity, it would seem like there was no point to begin with.

8.) There are many many many ways to create unity. The main idea is to have the main idea of what you want your design to be focused on in mind.

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